Category: Email

Add a new Gmail or hosted/vanity server email account to Outlook 2013

I’ve been using email since 1993. Rather than simplifying and adopting some minimalist perspective regarding my email usage, it seems that I add another email account to the mix about once per year on average. One for whatever my main gig is at the time, my personal Gmail accounts, oh, and can’t forget that Yahoo mail account I’ve had since the late ’90s. Well, and then there’s the one side biz that needs its own server for legitimacy’s sake, yeah, and then that other that I still do contract work from occasionally…

You get the drift.

I still need to manage them. And as much of a FOSS geek as I like to be, I find myself getting pulled back to Outlook whenever Windows is my main OS.

Luckily, the process to add a new email account to Outlook 2013 gets easier to remember after you’ve done it a dozen times! Here’s the process I use:

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