Author: insecure_automaton

Little bit of this, little bit of that.

Hacking a 25 Year Old Game To Make It Work

I love the effort Nathan Baggs puts in to making this happen. When I’m out thrifting, I tend to gravitate toward the old technology sections of the store. I’ve managed to build up a fairly decent collection of ’90s/’00s game CDs, half of which won’t run on modern systems. The intellectual exercise alone is worth the challenge.

Worms 2 cover art


Stock trading bot is up 20% compared to the market as whole…

…when it buys/sells based on signals from members of Congress.


Vintage Basic, a BASIC interpreter for modern PCs/Macs

This makes me wish I still had my dot-matrix print outs of all of the BASIC programs I wrote in the late ’80s and early ’90s. At least I can relive some of that feeling using this BASIC interpreter, Vintage Basic, and running the programs here.

Screenshot for BASIC game

Everything We Know About 1970s Mainframe RPGs We Can No Longer Play

In another 100 years we’ll look back at the dearth of cultural information available for the period from ca. 1995 until whatever period comes after ours – it truly will be a dark age since so much is digital.

The linked blog post here goes back two decades earlier, to the start of digital gaming. Same issues apply to that scenario.

How to (and how not to) design REST APIs

Great pointers:


Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces … referenced in my last past, stashing here for later review.

Things I’ve learned about building CLI tools in Python

I’ve written a few CLI tools in Python myself over the years. Simon has some interesting, thoughtful tips and tricks:

The Luddites warned us about Google

Thoughtful take on the effects of modern technology on workers and competition:

Alex Miller’s Garden: an interesting blog

Adding a link here for later review – an interesting intersection of art and algorithm:
