Evidently, each unique room was generated w/ only 1 byte(!) of data: https://evoniuk.github.io/posts/pitfall.html
Author: insecure_automaton
Fuzzing the Github API
Been futzing around with fuzzing lately, came across this to read for later: https://ludovicianul.github.io/2020/10/05/github-api-testing/
Basic PyGame template
One of my goals for 2023 is to write one game per month to keep my programming skills from getting too rusty. I created a baseline PyGame template to help w/ some of the repetitive tasks that come w/ that goal.
Clone it from my Github here.
Akka Arrh
Oooooooohhhhh….looks killer: https://atari.com/products/akka-arrh
Various sites, re: sci-fi depictions of UIs
Sci-fi Interfaces: https://scifiinterfaces.com/
HUDs + GUIs: https://www.hudsandguis.com/
saji8k: https://www.saji8k.com/blog/
Speculative Identities: https://speculativeidentities.com/info
Interface Love: https://ilikeinterfaces.com/
A ‘Rebel’ Without a Ph.D.
The Ransomware Superhero of Normal, Illinois
Thanks to Michael Gillespie, an obscure programmer at a Nerds on Call repair store…: https://www.propublica.org/article/the-ransomware-superhero-of-normal-illinois#169844?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email
Talos Intelligence
Web and mail server reputation tool: https://talosintelligence.com
William Alwyn Russell (1908-1983) Partial Pedigree
Been getting nostalgic…
…for old type-in BASIC games: http://vintage-basic.net/games.html