Great read – ~8K words and 25-30 minutes.
Author: insecure_automaton
Force delete/restart Kubernetes pods
Occasionally, I have a need to delete and restart k8s pods after I’ve been hammering on a cluster, when I need to perform node maintenance, or when a project has run its course and I want to free up the namespace and/or resources. Below is a general overview of that procedure but note that it is specific to certain scenarios only and assumes you know the consequences of your actions. I do not warranty any of this!
Open up Docker ports in UFW
My home Docker installation had some ports blocked internally for a project I was working on today. The sequence of commands listed below will allow the containers to communicate internally while still keeping open outgoing connection and not changing any incoming UFW rules.
sudo ufw allow in on docker0 sudo sed -i s/DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY=\"DROP\"/DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY=\"ACCEPT\"/ /etc/default/ufw sudo ufw enable sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING ! -o docker0 -s -j MASQUERADE
Original source link:
Add a new Gmail or hosted/vanity server email account to Outlook 2013
I’ve been using email since 1993. Rather than simplifying and adopting some minimalist perspective regarding my email usage, it seems that I add another email account to the mix about once per year on average. One for whatever my main gig is at the time, my personal Gmail accounts, oh, and can’t forget that Yahoo mail account I’ve had since the late ’90s. Well, and then there’s the one side biz that needs its own server for legitimacy’s sake, yeah, and then that other that I still do contract work from occasionally…
You get the drift.
I still need to manage them. And as much of a FOSS geek as I like to be, I find myself getting pulled back to Outlook whenever Windows is my main OS.
Luckily, the process to add a new email account to Outlook 2013 gets easier to remember after you’ve done it a dozen times! Here’s the process I use:
Continue reading “Add a new Gmail or hosted/vanity server email account to Outlook 2013”
Increase swap size for your Raspberry Pi
I have a little low-end POC (proof of concept) I’m testing out at home before I bring it in to work. The POC requires my Raspberry Pi to run a couple of Docker containers which isn’t really a problem. However, I’m using a 1st-gen Pi that came out with only 512MB RAM total. By the time Docker itself was up and running, I had something on the order of 40-50MB of RAM left and another 99MB swap with the stock swap settings. Continue reading “Increase swap size for your Raspberry Pi”
Hack the planet…with tmux
SysadminJr: Ha, but seriously – been having issues with Grafana lately.
SysadminSr: Just bypass that and do some real-time monitoring at the sources.
SysadminJr: Open 20 different SSH tabs?
SysadminSr: tmux, son, tmux. Check out
Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) and chicken nuggets
I recently took a position as a cloud engineer with a small startup in the DC area. The startup is big on Kubernetes but we’d struggled to find a suitable framework for deploying fair-to-middlin’ sized clusters quickly on the private clouds we manage. I guess, to clarify: the deployments were completed in a reasonable amount of time, but the automated solutions we tried for initial cluster deployment just weren’t robust enough for daily production use.
Continue reading “Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) and chicken nuggets”
Expect – an interpretive language in Linux
Expect is used to tie together multiple scripts or statements for which shell scripting is not quite powerful enough. From the man page: “In general, Expect is useful for running any program which requires interaction between the program and the user. All that is necessary is that the interaction can be characterized programmatically. Expect can also give the user back control (without halting the program being controlled) if desired. Similarly, the user can return control to the script at any time.”
SDF Public Access Unix System
I have fond memories of using dial-up BBSs in the early-to-late ’90s in Wichita, Kansas. Once the newfangled World Wide Web caught on, most BBSs went the way of civility and decency in today’s politics. It’s always a treat when I come across one that is still active in 2018 and even more of a treat when it’s been continuously active since the hey-days.
Super Dimension Fortress Public Access Unix System is one of those – thrivin’ and jivin’ since 1987.
Rather than have me recap what it is, just head over to it’s page at Wikipedia to get a glimpse for yourself. Then head over to their site and sign up for an account.
Game Dev Map
From the site: gamedevmap is a living map and catalog of game development organizations.
Looking for a new job? I’m not, but if I was, I’d start my search here.